NEW The Super "HI-TORQUE" Range Features:
- CR Speed Interwoven Inner "Our New CR Speed Super "HI-TORQUE" Range Belt Features a CR Speed branded Inner Belt, so you can be sure that you are getting an authentic CR Speed Belt."
- Embossed CR Speed Belt Clasp Logo"Our new Super "HI-TORQUE" belt features a Embossed rubber CR Speed Logo on the belt clasp for visual enhancement."
- CR Speed Outer Belt Logo "The new CR Speed Super "HI-TORQUE" Range Belt features a small CR Speed Logo on the outer belt."
- Profiled Inner Tip "Our new belts features a profiled tip on the Inner Belt to aid the threading of the Inner belt through shooting pants belt loops.
CR Speed Super "HI-TORQUE" Range Belt Availability:
- Available "Standard" with all the new features & in various trim colors at no additional charge. Eg: Black Belt with Black, Red, Blue or Yellow trim.
- Sizes available 28" - 60"
- Proven Performance "Rigid & Durable"
- Supplied with both Inner & Outer Belt.
- Shooter Friendly velcro system.
Beware of cheap imitations! The CR Speed Super "HI-TORQUE" range belts features have often been imitated but never matched in performance, durability & value.The CR Speed Super "HI-TORQUE" range Belt provides a Firm & Stable base for all your equipment Including Holsters & Mag Pouches. Our belt is supplied with both inner & outer belt. We are also the innovators of the “Shooter friendly Velcro System” with the non-aggressive Velcro on the inner belt.
Competition Proven - Order yours Today!
" I use the CR Speed "HI-TORQUE" belt to secure my holster & pouches. The "HI-TORQUE" belt provides the best rigidity and keeps your gear in place all day long."
-David Sevigny
Four Time USPSA Production National Champion
Important Belt Size Ordering Information
- Our belts are the specified waist size - length & have an additional 9" or 23cm overlap.
- Example 1: if you have a 38" or 97cm waist you can order the 38" - 97cm size belt & will have 9" or 23cm overlap. The overall length of a Eg: 38" - 97" Belt is actually 46.5" - 118cm long. So sufficient overlap has already been included.
- Example 2: If your waist size is slightly larger than Eg: 38" - 97cm. Or if you want or require additional overlap, you may want to order a size 40" - 102cm Belt "this has an actuall overall length of 49" -124cm.
- The pre calulated overlap applies accross the range of belt sizes we manufacture.